Meet our new Fall grantees!

I recently ran across a social media post from a civic engagement organization inviting folks to a forum on houslessness solutions. What struck me the most? The complete absence of actual houseless folks in the panel.  Sure, politicians, policy wonks, and academics may all have interesting things to say about houselessness—they’ll likely talk about numbers […]

Congratulations to Seeding Justice’s Spring 2021 Grantees!

A group photo of the Capacity Building Initiative cohort wearing smoke masks.

For 45 years, we have known that those most impacted by injustice—those closest to the pain of oppression—are the best equipped to come up with solutions to the problems that affect them. Since our founding in 1976, Seeding Justice has had an activist-led grantmaking committee; it is not only foundational to who we are and […]

*Drum Roll* Presenting our 2021 Lilla Jewel Awardees!

A diptych of Michelle Fujii (left) and RaShaunda Brooks, our 2021 Lilla Jewel Award winners

The Lilla Jewel Award—named in honor of artist, radical feminist, and suffragist Lilla Jewel— was created to address the inequities that women and artists of marginalized genders experience by resourcing and amplifying Oregon-based artists who advance a social change message through their work. Created nearly 25 years ago, the Lilla Jewel Awards have funded dozens […]