General Fund Grants
To be eligible for funding from Seeding Justice, groups must:
Be based in Oregon: they have to have a significant presence in the state and their work must benefit those who call Oregon home; and
Have 501(c)(3) tax exemption or have a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor. If a group has neither federal tax exemption nor a fiscal sponsor, please contact us to discuss your options.
Organizations that received a General Fund grant in the Spring of 2023 are eligible to apply. If you’re unsure if that’s you, please contact us.
More on projects or groups that are not eligible in the FAQ below.
Seeding Justice prioritizes funding for emergent and grassroots organizations, and those led by Black and Indigenous people and other communities of color, especially those that identify as having other intersecting identities, such as LGBTQIA2S+, immigrants and refugees, folks living with disabilities, people living with low incomes, folks that currently or formerly incarcerated, houseless people, those living in rural communities, and others.
Seeding Justice is looking to fund groups that can clearly show that they:
Build power
One of the most effective strategies for effecting long-term change is building the power of communities, not individuals, to improve their own lives.
While power-building may take different forms in different communities, it almost always involves some form of leadership development, base building, and collective action toward the liberation of all.
Work to dismantle oppression
Racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ableism—these are the primary tools capitalism and the patriarchy utilize to perpetuate injustice.
We recognize dismantling these harmful systems looks different across different communities and issue areas, but we also know that, in the words of the great Fannie Lou Hamer, “Nobody’s free until everyone is free.“
Address the root causes of problems
While providing direct aid to people experiencing hardship is vitally important, we invest our limited resources in organizations that focus on changing systems and eradicating the root causes of injustice: White Supremacy, colonization, imperialism, racism, ableism, misogyny, heterosexism, and all other forms of oppression.
(What is systems change? Learn more.)
Can articulate the problem they’re trying to solve and the strategies for solving them
We fund groups that have clearly identified the problem they’re trying to solve, can articulate how they will solve it, and do a good job at showing that the solutions they are proposing make sense and will result in the change they are seeking.
We know changing the world is hard and that none of us are likely to see the results of our efforts in this lifetime. Having said that, we want to see a solid plan from you on how to achieve the change you want.
Are grassroots, emerging and community-led groups
We have a long history of seeding the movement for justice, and take particular pride in providing groups with their first grants. We are not looking for polished, perfected grant writing—we are looking for groups with drive and passion working collaboratively toward a common goal: to make their communities better by uniting and building power together.
Are connected to a broader movement and partner well with others
We are not alone in our struggles, and community-based groups are much more successful when they are part of a larger movement for social justice.
Because effective movement building demands concerted strategies, collaboration, trust, partnerships, and sharing of resources, we will want to know about your partners, collaborators and connections.
Open Applications
Visit our Submittable page to view any open applications.
General Fund Grant Application, Resources and Scoring Rubric
Currently, these are the most up-to-date documents and resources. Make sure to check back when grant applications are open for the most current versions.
Our approach to grantmaking
General eligibility requirements

Frequently Asked Questions
If and when funding is available, you can apply for our grants via our online platform, Submittable. The first time you apply, you will need to create an account with your email address and a password.
Seeding Justice will not fund:
- Individuals or businesses (unless they’re fiscally sponsored)
- Animal welfare organizations
- Capital campaigns (i.e. construction projects, building purchase or renovation, land acquisitions, etc.)
- Cooperatives, health clinics, or schools
- Direct services (i.e. social services, food pantries, wraparound services, health services, etc.)
- Organizations that require participants in their programs to be faith or religiously affiliated
- Personal hobby, mutual benefit, and for-profit groups
- Previously funded groups that have overdue grant reports
- Scholarships
- Unions or direct labor organizing
- Work prohibited by the IRS, including:
- Illegal activities
- Lobbying
- Partisan activity that supports or opposes specific political parties and/or candidates for public office
- Work that has already happened or will be completed before the grant would be received
Organizations with 501(c)(3) status or a fiscal sponsor may apply for grants of up to $15,000, while groups without either 501(c)(3) status or a fiscal sponsor may apply for up to $7,000.
Having said that, we are unlikely to fund more than 50% of a project’s total or 33% of an organization’s total annual budget.
We award two types of grants:
Operating support grants: these grants are unrestricted and meant to support the overall operations and programs of a group. We reserve operating support grants for organizations that have 501(c)(3) status and whose annual budgets are under $700,000.
Project Support Grants: these are restricted grants that are awarded to a specific project or program within an organization. 501(c)(3) groups with annual budgets above $700,000, all fiscally sponsored projects, and groups that have neither their federal tax exemption nor a fiscal sponsor must apply for project support grants.
Communities most impacted by injustice are often left out of decision making tables. That’s why we prioritize resourcing organizations that demonstrate that marginalized leaders not only serve their communities as frontline staff, but have a say in how programs are developed and implemented.
When we say “leadership,” we mean the folks in your group who have decision making power, i.e. executive staff and/or board members. By majority, we mean more than 50% of that combined leadership.
For example, if you have 10 board members and 5 executive staff (e.g. Executive Director or program directors or managers with significant authority), and 8 of those folks are BIPOC, then you would say that the majority of your leadership is BIPOC [8/(10+5)=53%].
We have two General Fund cycles a year: in the Spring and the Fall. The dates change every year, but typically, we open grant funding in mid March for Spring, and mid September for Fall.
Make sure not to miss our announcements by signing up to receive our newsletter and/or following us on social media.
An organization can only submit one grant application per opportunity (i.e. General Fund, a special initiative, or Rapid Response), however fiscal sponsors do not have a limit to how many organizations they sponsor.
However, they can submit one application each to the General Fund and other opportunities, assuming they are otherwise eligible.
We prioritize funding small and emerging organizations that haven’t had as much access to other sources of funding as larger organizations. And yet, we know that larger organizations—especially those that are led by BIPOC communities—may need to fund radical and innovative programs or projects that others won’t support.
So yes, you can apply for our funding if you have a large budget, but only for project support.
Unlike other foundations—who have program officers and trustees making decisions—we use a participatory grantmaking approach. Our Grantmaking Committee (GMC) is composed of social justice activists and organizers from across the state, who bring extensive lived and professional experience and represent the geographic and racial diversity of Oregon. You can read more about our grantmakers here.
Yes. In fact, if you received any grant that’s not a General Fund grant (such as from a Donor-in-Movement Fund) you can still apply for a General Fund grant, assuming you are otherwise eligible.
Currently, we do not have an established process to award multi-year grants, but our Grantmaking Committee may decide to fund an organization for multiple years on a case-by-case basis.
Donor-in-Movement Funds are donor-directed funds set up by individuals to support projects and groups that are near and dear to their hearts. If you received a DMF grant, it means that a Donor-in-Movement Fund holder has chosen your group to receive funding.
You can learn more about our Donor in Movement Funds programs here.
We don’t always ask grantees to submit reports and if we do require reports, they will never be in writing. Instead, we ask grantees to meet with us to talk about the lessons, surprises, challenges, and successes they experienced since receiving the grant.
If you do need to submit a report, we will send you a reminder at least 30 days before it’s due with a link for you to schedule a time with us.
If you’re unsure, you can always get in touch:
A fiscal sponsor is a 501(c)(3) organization that agrees to serve as the holder of funds for a smaller, non(c)(3) organization or project. Fiscal sponsors agree to receive a grant and manage the reporting and other legal requirements for the fiscally sponsored project in exchange for a small percentage of the grant(s) received.
There are organizations whose sole purpose is to serve as fiscal sponsors for others (Social Good Fund is one), but generally, projects can find fiscal sponsors in their own communities by connecting with 501(c)(3) organizations that have similar missions and that are willing to take on the responsibility of serving as an agent.
When you’re a fiscally sponsored project, your fiscal sponsor is the one technically receiving the grant. In other words, your group is the project. (Plus if we make a general support grant to your sponsor, the funds would be unrestricted and they could use the funds for other things.)
When you’re a fiscally sponsored organization your fiscal sponsor is awarded the grant on your behalf, By restricting the grant to project support ensures your project/organization receives the funding.
When applying, think of your group as the project. In other words write the request in the spirit of general operating support but select project support
We don’t always ask grantees to submit reports and if we do require reports,we’ll ask grantees how they want to connect with Seeding Justice at the end of the grant period. This could be through a conversation, a written summary, annual report, etc. Generally we want to know about the lessons, surprises, challenges, and successes they experienced since receiving the grant.
We will reach out to you if you have a report due, but if you’re unsure, you can always get in touch:
Seeding Justice does not require written reports; instead we’ll ask grantees how to connect with Seeding Justice at the end of the grant period. This could be through a conversation, a written summary, end of year report, etc.
If you can’t find an answer to your questions in the FAQ, please contact us.